Saturday, May 28, 2011

1.6 Issues

Since I play on an SMP server, we are having major data corruption issues and basically no progress can be made until the data stuff is resolved. I will update again as soon as I get more information, guys. Thanks for hanging in there!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Entirely Too Long

School has been absolutely crazy, but still, it has been entirely too long since I have posted. I will be finished with classes on Thursday and will have a 2 week hiatus from classes to work on MC projects and updates. Please bear with me until then, guys. I greatly appreciate it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm Sick

Yeah, the title says it all. I feel really cruddy right now so I'm not playing a lot of MC and I'm not posting as much. As soon as I feel better, though, I'll be back and playing. Don't worry!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Lat's Weeks Hard Work Weekend

Last weekend we did SO MUCH on Big Project X. Things are going so well; I really hope that the project continues to come along at this pace. Over the weekend, we finished the project walls, torching (all of it), Building #2's moat, the train station, and the rail system to get back and forth from Spawn Town.

We went through 4 diamond shovels and a diamond pickaxe gathering sand and other project supplies this weekend. It was a lot of fun to actually go out and work with with someone else, my honey Ian, in the Sand Pit. It goes a lot quicker and is way more fun when you're not out there by yourself.

We also found enough iron and gold to finish the rail system as I mentioned above. It still needs some tweaking and updating to get the rail speeds where we eventually want them, but for now we can at least get back and forth between the continents of Noida and Twinspire without stopping. I love it.

And since the walls of the project are now finished, I've been able to focus more on the inner buildings. My first focus was the Train Station -- Building #1. I finished that on late Sunday evening and it turned out so much better than I could have imagines. It's big and elegant, but not too ostentatious -- a good mix.

This week, now that things are calming down here in regard to classes, I plan to gather a BUNCH of sandstone and do a lot of farming/mining. We always seem to be short on wood and papyrus right now, so farming is a must, but we're also very low on gold, which is an absolutely necessary but absent resource for Big Project X.

In a nutshell, this week is all about gathering resources and getting organized. That way, when Ian and I rev up to build Buildings #2, #3, and #4, as well as other miscellaneous pieces, it will be easier to and faster to build.